
Agility thanks to ALM

THE mantra of the 20s? Or is it a holistic approach to sustainability?

We pave the way for you to easily embrace the digital shift and take you with us into the age of sustainability. This is certainly suitable for every organization, its only a question of applying the 4 Ws. With application lifecycle management (ALM) we are easily able to apply agile methods which offer an integral approach to that challenge.

You don’t want to miss the digital shift and wish to move agile into a sustainable future with THE mantra of the 20s?


Getting started is easy as can be:

The question is simply how well do you know your stakeholders? After the first steps are initiated and some general directives are defined the process almost carries itself. The best way is to simply use an ALM tool, because otherwise this will easily become a Sisyphean task. Ask yourself about the 4 Ws (who wants what why?)- the answers you give here will build the foundation for a successful project.


It works with every organization:

Agile methods are basically suitable for any organization, BUT: Scrum is not everything! We don’t use “process breakers”, we use your “systematic chaos” for the realization of the digital shift.


Magic formula ALM:

Are you afraid to fail? The targeted use of application lifecycle management uses a proactive and comprehensive risk management as key to success.


Sustainability, not and end in the organization itself:

We use recursive processes to continuously question the goals of all stakeholders. We achieve permanent and sustainable success, not only economically but also focused on social responsibility and conservation of resources.

In the course of our embedded systems developments we were confronted with an increasing number of tasks which were meant to simplify working with systems via desktop or mobile app.


Originally, we narrowed down our scope to internal applications so we were able to create a more efficient way to develop and test embedded systems. To optimize the application at the system level a flexible configuration, comprehensive modelling and a simple way to control the target system were paramount.

We chose to make our tools available to our customers to significantly simplify their integration activities. This is how we ensure that our customers are able to get a deep insight into the behavior of controls even without any embedded knowhow.

It has been shown that customized solutions of apps like ours are decisive for a successful target-oriented development of complex systems.

A lot of times it is only possible for our customers to describe their requirements hazily at the beginning of the project. This is why we offer to create specifications in addition to the tool as a particular benefit. To realize the specifications, we use state of the art requirements engineering tools as well as agile ULM based methods. You can describe your objectives in user stories which we will then turn into use cases with the necessary requirements attached. Alternatively, we will gladly take your complete product specifications and realize a GUI based on them.


Benefit from this experience and get yourself a customized application which enables you to interact wired or wirelessly with your embedded systems or your IoT applications. A vast number of interfaces can be implemented, like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, UART, I2C, SPI, USB, etc. – yours is most certainly among them.

App Development

Customized GUI solution just for you!

Contract Development

You are at a loss deciding what to do first?


We take best care for you. If “build-to-print” or management of entire development projects - we have already been challenged by our customer with all facets of contract development. Whether

  • A-, B- and C-sample development of control units for the automotive industry
  • Peripheral system for EV-market
  • Pedestrian protection systems
  • Motor drivers for sophisticated comfort systems
  • Variable injection control for improving environmental friendliness of automobiles

...or any other demanding task. Just test us!

FMEA - failure modes & effects analysis


The interdisciplinary and systematic method of advanced, quality-based planning at the beginning of the process of product development.


In the area of structured development processing Bauer Safety Engineering uses a professional tool to avoid failure and produce high-quality products at the earliest possible moment. Hereby we rely on the instrument of a manufacturer who is well-established in the automotive section.


The FMEA, the failure mode and effects analysis is based on a systematic approach as well as on interdisciplinary and creative working, critical evaluation and much more.


Our method:

Our aims while using the FMEA method focus on the early recognizing and localizing of failure in the products and processes. We are trying to achieve a constant improvement of products and processes by investing time to recognize risks and causes. Afterwards we will thoroughly try to avoid these. The improvement of the products and processes mainly takes place through the systematic analysis of potential failures. Thereby the state of the product development and process planning is constantly documented in order to constructively avoid failure costs.


Our motivation behind the method:

Contract law: Protection of health and property (product liability, „state of the art“)


=> Proof of date to take care

 Accident control (criminal law)


Value Analysis and Value Engineering


=> demand of QM-systems (ISO 9001, QS9000, ISO/TS 16949)


Range of application:

On the contrary to the official form-based line of action in this case the functional and non-functional requirements are in the foreground.

Functions and failures clearly describe causes and effects of every individual case. The assignment of system elements to main functions additionally allows extreme widely oriented developments.

Value analysis and cost-benefit analysis depicts only one of the many advantages. The tool and the appropriate course of action are used in proprietary development as well as in service areas of consulting. Thereby either moderative projections or even complete value analysis project can be shown off. The main focus of the outcome lies on the improvement of quality as well as the very important optimization of costs.


"Best in Class" means to always be one step ahead of your competitors!

This basic principle is not only valid for the application on product level, but also on the levels of business processes. This means that we support our customers with analysis and evaluation tools in finding out, if they


"do the right things" and

"do things right"


in other words:

we are going to measure the effectiveness and efficiency for product development and its applied business processes. Thereby we offer the possibility to our customers for self-assessments and optimization processes for their methods of resolution. The active involvement of all participants is self-evident.
